After speaking with Danville Police late yesterday, my hopes were not high... My daughter Ayla answered a call from officer Shields, who contacted us hoping to identify a cyclist involved in a collision. Our shop frame sticker was the only clue they had. These types of calls don't come in frequently, but when they do we are all reminded of how precious life is and that we all need to slow down and cherish the lives around us. In these cases the focus tends to be on fault. And while I read some semi-nasty things pointed at cyclists versus cars related to this event, to me the only thing that matters is that someone does not get to go home the their family. While most accidents are avoidable, we all need to drop the phones and be vigilante about sharing the road. At the time of the call the police were still stitching the story together. Officer Shields asked if he could send me photos of the bike in hopes that I could provide him info on the owner. After seeing them, I immediately knew who the bike belonged to and my heart dropped from the weight of the images. I'm just happy we were able to help them notify his family.
A reminder - and I personally will be making sure I take care of this - GET ROAD ID or carry some bit of info on your bike! Especially if you ride alone frequently. Take care Everyone! And please mind those around you, you never know who's life you may save.
A reminder - and I personally will be making sure I take care of this - GET ROAD ID or carry some bit of info on your bike! Especially if you ride alone frequently. Take care Everyone! And please mind those around you, you never know who's life you may save.