With smiles and a friendly pace, the bridges ride on Sunday was the best yet! Sorry it has taken me so long to get this post up, I have been wrenching at the shop non-stop. Both new and existing customers have been finding their way to downtown Martinez. Every week there seems to be something going on and everyday I meet at least two new customers.
Many gratitudes to all that have been so supportive, welcoming, gracious and generous with their time in helping me get established. I think we will really grow one of the best riding communities in the bay area!

Also pictured... Saturday was #Artbeat in downtown Martinez. We were lucky enough to host photographic artista Lorena Castillo,(http://www.locaworksfoto.com/) Stop by within the next couple of weeks and take a moment to enjoy her work as you enter the store. Lorena's hand painted photographs of bikes, dogs, people and places, are giving the white walls of the shop some color and class. The Artbeat Gallery event happens every third Saturday of the month. Local business owners host artists in their stores from 6pm to 9pm, or later. We found ourselves with a house full until 9:30.
Saturday June 11th is Bike the Bridges, a benefit for the Special Olympics. Find out more here. https://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1157773
I will be out supporting riders in the morning, then saddling up for the ride and the BEER FEST that follows! I invite any of you to come along with the Pegasus group. I will be your ride sherpa and personal mechanic. And I will change any flats that happen along the way so you can enjoy a ride with your very own team mechanic. (I may only do the Metric Century though. So those of you doing the SAE Century will be on their own :) I hope you sign up and help them reach their goal of raising $80K for the Special Olympics!
See you there.